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Top 5 iced tea recipes for the summer

Nothing goes better with summer than refreshing iced tea. We reveal five creative iced tea recipes from Zurich's Neumarkt, the family business tibits and Avantcha.

Tea is not only a treat in winter, it is also refreshing when iced in summer. As an exciting flavor enhancer, tea opens the door to completely new taste experiences. Whether homemade, cold brew or the uncomplicated ready-to-drink version – iced tea is booming.

With its complex spectrum of flavors, tea offers almost unlimited culinary potential. Whether based on black, green, spiced, herbal or fruit tea – there are no limits to the variety of flavors of iced tea. You can give free rein to your creativity when mixing and refine the tea with herbs, fruit or alcohol as you wish. The refreshing, low-calorie cold drink is very easy to prepare yourself and provides the body with plenty of fluids and essential nutrients.

Ice-cold pleasure to mix yourself

In the classic version, the hot tea is poured over ice cubes and cooled like a shock. This preserves the original taste. As ice cubes dilute the flavor of the tea, it is advisable to increase the amount of tea (use 2-3 bags per glass). Alternatively, frozen slices of citrus fruit or frozen berries can also be used, making the iced tea not only a vitamin bomb, but also a summery eye-catcher.

We have five creative iced tea inspirations from Zurich's Neumarkt, the family business tibits and Avantcha to try out and mix up.

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Rafaela Mörzinger
Redaktions- und Portalmanagerin Falstaff Schweiz
Paula Pankarter
Paula Pankarter
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