Quaint ambience, Viennese charm and tried and tested recipes with tradition are the secret of success at the Gasthaus Wolf in the 4th district.

Quaint ambience, Viennese charm and tried and tested recipes with tradition are the secret of success at the Gasthaus Wolf in the 4th district.
© Toni Golatsche

The best traditional Restaurants in Vienna 2024


Wonderful Viennese culinary world. Falstaff has re-evaluated more than 245 restaurants in a wide variety of areas. The result is an almost complete overview of one of the most independent tavern scenes in Europe, which is the envy of many.

Traditional restaurants have a long tradition in Vienna. This is also due to the typical Viennese cuisine, which was significantly influenced by the former crown lands of the old Danube monarchy. Viennese cuisine is a true fusion cuisine. More than almost any other cuisine in the world, Viennese cuisine has also shaped a very special type of Viennese restaurant: the Viennese Beisl, for example, is as much a part of Viennese cuisine as the world-famous pastries are of Viennese coffee houses.

Lively pub scene

Whether it's a Beisl, a simple or an upscale gourmet restaurant, the Viennese tavern scene is livelier than ever, even if there are never ending speculations of taverns dying out. It may be that one or two restaurants or Beisl have closed down over the years, but in addition to the many addresses that have been around for ages and have retained their special charm, many attractive new establishments have also been taken over. The new landlords and chefs are often committed young professionals who have trained at home and abroad, gained experience in renowned establishments or worked for top international chefs. There are plenty of examples of successful new takeovers, with a streamlined, harmonious interior and a cuisine that proves that old classics are still in demand, just perhaps interpreted in a more modern way and made with regional products.

At Pramerl & The Wolf you can enjoy imaginative cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. The casual, cozy ambience is impressive.
© katsey photography
At Pramerl & The Wolf you can enjoy imaginative cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. The casual, cozy ambience is impressive.

Best list

Falstaff therefore has re-evaluated more than 200 Beisl and traditional restaurants on the Viennese tavern scene in a wide variety of areas. The result is an almost complete overview of one of the most independent tavern scenes in Europe, which is the envy of many.

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