© SF Marco Borrelli

Falstaff-Talk: Plácido Domingo reveals his favourite restaurants


In a Falstaff interview about Salzburg, his plans for the future, Salzburger Nockerln dumplings and other culinary preferences.

Plácido Domingo – Spanish singer of world fame. In his long career, he has received accolades such as King of Opera, best tenor of all time and living legend. The versatile artist is certainly one of the best singers in the history of opera, but he is also a respected conductor.

Falstaff: Maestro, half a century ago you made your first appearance in Salzburg – as Don Carlo with Herbert von Karajan. The best moments from back then?

Maestro Domingo: My debut at the Salzburg Festival remains unforgettable for me, even though half a century has passed. The photos were still black and white back then ... it was a long time ago, but to me it seems like only yesterday. It is simply unbelievable. I have so many good memories of Salzburg, not only of the music, but also of my family. The children came to Marta and me during the vacations, my parents were also there and always many dear friends. And how could I forget the soccer games?

Musically, I definitely have a strong and indelible memory of Un ballo in maschera from 1989: on the one hand there was the wonderful production by Schlesinger, which we then brought to the stage with Maestro Solti, and on the other hand the tragedy of the loss of our beloved Maestro Karajan, directly during rehearsals; suddenly and sadly for all of us. He left a huge gap, because he was truly unique and no one embodied the essence of the Salzburg Festival in the half century that I had the privilege of attending like he did.

They celebrated this stage anniversary at Whitsun in Salzburg with a furious gala evening. Plans for the future? For Salzburg? In the world?

It was a very emotional evening with almost unbelievable feelings of happiness. At the end, I joked with an Arrividerci – never say never. But what counts above all is that the audience was happy, and I was even happier because I had this extraordinary opportunity to celebrate all these years in Salzburg. This evening I was able to do it again, and with an extraordinary cast of young people (of course they are all young now compared to me) who have won the Operalia. The creator of the evening was Cecilia Bartoli, a great artist and an extraordinary woman who combines art with great management skills. Because the Whitsun Festival is a real gem.

Rolando Villazón described you that evening as Maestrissimo. You are THE opera tenor in the world. What else would you like to sing? Experience?

Rolando is a dear friend and he really moved me that evening. I have sung many roles as a tenor, but also as a baritone and there are still extraordinary sides that fascinate me and who knows ...

But the truth is that I don't make any plans. I almost can't believe that I have prolonged my singing career so much. I thank God for all that He has given me and I rejoice every day in the new opportunities that life offers me ... and I continue to receive requests to sing and conduct all over the world.

Can you tell us your favourite dishes? From childhood, from the world and from Salzburg?

I don't eat very much and love simple cuisine with high-quality ingredients: a good pasta with tomatoes and basil is simple, but very satisfying when you're hungry after a concert or hours of rehearsals. I used to love a lot of meat, but now I eat a lot less of it. I've always loved sweets and can't finish a meal without something sweet. When we were children, my mother made me and my little sister a wonderful dessert, the Natillas con merenga and also a wonderful flan! Coffee is also a must, I like a good espresso. And a good glass of red wine relaxes me.

In Salzburg, I can't miss my date with the delicious Salzburger Nockerln, the dessert that drove my son Alvaro crazy with joy as a child and still does today.


And, of course, our readers are hoping that you will tell us your favourite restaurants in the world?

I think I could write a book about restaurants because I'm always on the go. If I only mention a few, I'll forget hundreds: the Ristorante Sole in Vienna by my friend Aki Nuredini, of course, endless possibilities in Italy such as the Ristorante Galleria after La Scala or Papà Francesco and Al Conte Ugolino da Marino. In Florence, the Trattoria Baldini next to the Teatro del Maggio and the Osteria del Pavone near the Arno and then in Caserta the Vega, in Palermo the Il Mirto e la Rosa and the Pizzeria Il Tondo ... oh, how many I will forget.

But at the top of the list is Il Torcolo in Verona near Luca Barca. In Verona, I will be singing an evening of zarzuela and Spanish music in the Arena di Verona on August 21, but afterwards I will certainly not miss my date with a good risotto all'Amarone.

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