2022 Schnitzer »Zwetschgenbrand im Whiskyfass«

Destillerie K.u.S. Schnitzer


Tasting Notes

Tasting from 01.07.2024: Alexander Thürer

The strong dried plum is accompanied by light smoky notes. These are particularly prominent on the palate and counteract the fruity plum very skilfully. There is also a light spiciness that maintains the balance on the finish.

More about the tasting »Obstbrand Trophy Deutschland 2024«
Type of Production: conventional
Vintage: 2022
Expansion: 6 months used barriques, 6 months stoneware
Alcohol Level: 42%
Content: 0.5 litre
Hans Will/Shutterstock
Destillerie K.u.S. Schnitzer

83278 Traunstein
+49 (177) 2391487
[email protected] www.destillerie-schnitzer.com

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