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First non-alcoholic beer garden in Munich


Undisputedly an integral part of Bavarian culture and joie de vivre: the beer garden. Bavarians have always gathered in these traditional places to enjoy a pint or two of beer and indulge in a snack. Now a beer garden with a slightly different concept is opening in Munich.

A beer garden with a difference opens on Karl-Stützel-Platz in Munich's main station district on Thursday (July 18): the name Null says it all, as only non-alcoholic drinks are served here. The organizers emphasize that the culture of beer gardens does not depend on the consumption of alcohol, but on being together in the open air. The range includes non-alcoholic beer, mocktails, juices and other cold drinks.

No alcohol, but a cultural program

For almost two months, the aim is to drink and celebrate without intoxication. In the usual beer garden style, you can also bring your own traditional food. In addition to the gastronomic operation, cultural events, parties and dance evenings are also planned in the Null. Admission to the cultural programs is free.

To become a more attractive Neighborhood again

Karl-Stützel-Platz and the adjacent park suffer from a bad reputation, as drug dealing and crime have steadily increased in recent years. To make the square more attractive again, several local restaurateurs, hoteliers and cultural and foundation representatives have joined forces. The special beer garden is intended to enhance the area around the main station and will remain open until September 15.

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Danina Herrmann
Danina Herrmann
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