"Dogs allowed" Wine Bars in Vienna

15 wine bars ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale in Vienna offering "Dogs allowed" in Vienna. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Wine Bistro

Matthias Pitra and Steve Breitzke's wine bar is a place full of joy, passion and immense wine knowledge. They personally select the finest wines with great care and even travel across the country to do so. Each wine tells its own story.

Porzellangasse 53, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bistro

Wine bar and gourmet restaurant! Top restaurateurs Robert Brandhofer and Markus Gould impress with their expertise and passion for good wine. They offer a carefully curated selection of grape varieties and vintages. Special attention is paid to natural wines.

Landstraßer Hauptstraße 17, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Wine Shop/Off-License

Whether it's a quick glass in the bar, an extended feast in the restaurant or a taste in the store: a monument to wine awaits in a prime location. There’s a cellar of venerable rarities and such fine wines can also be drunk on site. The expertise and range on offer are immense.

Jasomirgottstraße 3–5, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bistro

The ambience is minimalist and stylish through and through, while Filippou's kitchen produces the usual sensational dishes in both large and small versions. Connoisseurs and friends of natural wine will of course cheer the loudest about the enormous, tasteful selection.

Dominikanerbastei 17, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Weinskandal has been the first port of call for natural wine for years, and recently it has also shaken up the restaurant scene with its own bar. And it's very hip, casual and extremely enjoyable - from the expertise in "orange" wines to the small, wonderful menu.

Lindengasse 1, 1070 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Restaurant

Finally a Viennese pub with a pleasant dose of modernity! Not only are classic Austrian dishes served in a down-to-earth atmosphere, but also really fine wines. The house wine comes from Ebner-Ebenauer, but others are also available.

Reznicekgasse 10, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Restaurant

Gerhard Rauscher's love for the wines and cuisine of Friuli gave birth to the idea of the Cantina. The focus is on white wines, but the red wine list is also impressive. Whether by the glass or in larger containers, you should taste your way through the range!

Bartensteingasse 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Restaurant

The cosy fish restaurant is not only known for its first-class food. In the basement you can discover the variety and quality of Croatian wines. From Istria to Dalmatia - the flavours of the wine regions are varied and exciting.

Marc-Aurel-Straße 8, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Restaurant

A visit to the Volksoper is only complete if you also make a stop at Glasweise. The bar offers a large selection of national and international wines. Culinary delights include Italian classics and international cuisine.

Währinger Straße 74, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Restaurant

The Italian wine bar awakens holiday feelings! A small, fine menu accompanies the exquisite selection of wines: from fresh white wines to powerful red wines - the choice is huge. The fantastic terrace with its equally Mediterranean flair is much sought after!

Roterdstraße 3, 1160 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Wine Shop/Off-License

Ernst-Melchior-Gasse 3, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Frömmelgasse 36, 1210 Vienna, Austria

PORTERHOUSE – The Best Steaks In  Town<br/><br/>Steakfreunde finden nur hier Ihren Himmel der Fleischeslust mit allen nur möglichen Steak-Variationen und Spezialitäten vom Lavasteingrill! Weiters können Sie ca. 150 verschiedene Weine aus Österreich und aus aller Welt auswählen.<br/><br/>Übrigens: die hauseigene Porterhouse BAR ist für Sie immer geöffnet!

Schulerstraße 19, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Wenn Sie Lust haben, Ihren Tag mit feinen asiatischen Köstlichkeiten in gemütlicher Atmosphäre, ohne aufgesetzten Pomp oder Style zu genießen, dann ist die Chinabar der richtige Ort. Jeden Tag von 12-24 Uhr kann man hier fein essen - von Mo-Sa 12-18h mit speziellen Angeboten - am Abend dann zum Dinner mit Freunden, auf ein Gläschen oder eine Bouteille Wein oder ein kühles Bier. Zum Anfangen oder Ausklingen (oder dazwischen), hier passt es immer.<br/> <br/>Die Chinabar wurde vor einigen Jahren als »kleine Schwester« des ON gegründet. Die Idee von Simon Xie Hong – bekannt aus der ORF-Serie »Silent Cooking« - war eine »chinesische Bar«. Etwas neues, was es in China – und wohl auch in Österreich - so eigentlich nicht gibt. Unkompliziertes abwechslungsreiches Genießen der Vielfalt neu interpretierter Asiatisch-Europäischer Gerichte in Anlehnung an die Tradition der asiatischen Straßen-Garküchen. Aber auf gewohnt hohem kulinarischen Niveau.<br/> <br/>Der Gastgarten ladet zum Ausrasten ein. Direkt am Karl-Farkas-Park (mit Spielmöglichkeit für Kinder) kann man unter Lindenbäumen auf bunten Kissen bis in die Abendstunden das urbane Klima genießen und mit Freunden angenehme Zeit verbringen.

Burggasse 76, 1070 Vienna, Austria
Wine Bar with Restaurant

Grünentorgasse 19, 1090 Vienna, Austria