Zaungast »Amber Lager«

Zaungast Braukollektiv

Ziza Stupkova/Shutterstock

Tasting Notes

Tasting from 16.06.2023: Roland Graf

Iridescent orange with a fine-pored head. The aroma of the hops oscillates between blood orange, hibiscus and raspberry. The aroma is matched by fruitiness on the palate, which is countered by the hops. "An extremely exciting game"!

More about the tasting »Bier Special 2023 Österreich«
Category: Bottom-fermenting - Special Bier
Alcohol Level: 5.3%
Price: 3 - 7 €
Content: 0.44 litre
Przemek Iciak/Shutterstock
Zaungast Braukollektiv

1030 Wien
+43 (650) 5266314
[email protected]

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