The best taverns in the 13th district in Vienna

What pubs are to the British and bistros are to the French, pubs are to the Viennese. Vienna is bursting with top-class pub culture, inviting you to enjoy a schnitzel and freshly tapped Krügerl on every corner of the city. You can find the best pubs in the 13th district in this list.
Zur Karte
Zur Liste

Twelve tasty cuts of beef - including cured tongue - are on offer at this address, which is rightly known as the "Home of Tafelspitz". Connoisseurs are bound to enjoy the unrivalled beef soup beforehand.

Auhofstraße 1, 1130 Vienna, Austria

After half an hour's walk, you will reach the idyllic restaurant in the Lainzer Tiergarten. Small and large hearty dishes await you there. Game dishes from the former hunting grounds of the Habsburgs are a speciality here.

Lainzer Tiergarten, 1130 Vienna, Austria

Beautifully restored traditional inn with a wonderful shady garden. The kitchen serves fine local dishes, freshly cooked.

Lainzer Straße 123, 1130 Vienna, Austria

A piece of Tyrol in the middle of Vienna's Tiergarten. The restaurant is a replica of Archduke Johann's first farmhouse. Not only zoo visitors enjoy the colourful mix of Viennese cuisine, Tyrolean specialities such as Gröstl or Kletzennudeln and modern international dishes. Rustic ambience.

Maxingstraße 13B, 1130 Vienna, Austria

Popular restaurant run by the Sturrus family with a beautiful garden. The gastronomic range is wide, including many classics from Austrian and international cuisine.

Speisinger Straße 2, 1130 Vienna, Austria

Since the long-established Hietzinger Wirtshaus was taken over a few years ago by a young, committed couple of restaurateurs, it has enjoyed great popularity again. Nice ambience and good home cooking!

Auhofstraße 186A, 1130 Vienna, Austria

A cozy inn with wood panelling and a tiled stove, almost a monument to Viennese tavern culture. Founded in 1805, today it serves hearty Viennese cuisine with schnitzel and Kaiserschmarren.

Maxingstraße 7, 1130 Vienna, Austria

Excursion inn with a mountain hut look and sunny terrace on the edge of the forest. The kitchen serves dishes such as schnitzel, roast pork, farmer's feast, rice meat and grammel dumplings. An idyll outside the city.

Ghelengasse 44, 1130 Vienna, Austria