Spinach Gnocchi with Bacon and Tomato Sauce

Spinach Gnocchi with Bacon and Tomato Sauce
© Michael Rathmayer

Spinach Gnocchi with Bacon and Tomato Sauce

This colourful gnocchi recipe will please spinach lovers – and those who like a bit of bacon with their vegetables.

Ingredients (4 servings)
100 g smoked bacon
4 slices bacon (additional)
1 onion, peeled
400 g Passata di pomodoro
300 frozen leaf spinach, defrosted
2 floury potatoes
2 stale bread rolls
250 ml milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoon(s) parmesan, grated
5-6 tablespoon(s) flour
olive oil
  • Chop the smoked bacon finely and fry in a pan with a little olive oil. Finely chop the onion, add and cook for about 7 minutes on a medium heat.
  • Add the passata and cook for about another 10 minutes until thickened. Season to taste and set aside – this is your tomato sauce.
  • Place bacon slices on baking paper and cook in the oven at 200 °C until brown and crispy, set aside.
  • Squeeze the spinach to remove any excess moisture and chop finely.
  • Boil the potatoes in their skins in salted water until soft (approx. 20 minutes), then peel, grate coarsely and add to spinach.
  • Cut the stale bread into large cubes, soak in milk, squeeze well and add to the mixture.
  • Beat the eggs and add to the mixture along with parmesan cheese. Season with salt, mix with a fork and add enough flour to make a firm mix.
  • Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil, then reduce the temperature to a simmer.
  • Form the spinach mixture into two rolls of just under 2cm in diameter on a chopping board and cut gnocchi from them.
  • Cook in two batches in the salted water until the gnocchi rise to the surface, then remove using a slotted spoon.
  • Drain, drizzle with the warm tomato sauce, garnish with the crispy bacon and serve with parmesan cheese.
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