Cheese Ravioli with Creamed Salad and Truffles

Cheese Ravioli with Creamed Salad and Truffles
© Luzia Ellert

Cheese Ravioli with Creamed Salad and Truffles

These cheese ravioli (called kasnudeln) are a speciality from Carinthia in Austria. Top chef Hubert Wallner shares his deluxe version and shows how to make, fill and properly crimp the dumplings.

For the filling

250 g floury potatoes
250 g curd cheese
1 onion, finely chopped
3 tablespoon(s) finely chopped mixed fresh herbs (such as mint, parsley, chives)

For the dough

500 g plain flour
1 tablespoon(s) oil
lukewarm water

For the garnish

2 tablespoon(s) butter
white truffle, for shaving


  • For the creamed salad, blend the lettuce, oil and vinegar in a food processor to form a smooth creamy sauce. Pass through a fine sieve and chill. The olive oil will then be absorbed and the cream will become more stable.
  • For the filling, boil the potatoes in their skins until tender. Drain, peel and mash. In a bowl, mix with the crumbled curd cheese and the raw onion, season with salt to taste and mix in the herbs. 
  • In a separate bowl, mix the flour, salt and oil. Add just enough lukewarm water, a tablespoon at a time, to form a smooth dough. Leave it to rest in the fridge for 1 hour.
  • Roll out the chilled dough thinly into a large rectangle. 
  • Form small balls from the filling and place them at even intervals on one half the dough. Fold the dough over and gently press down between the filling. 
  • Cut out the ravioli. Make sure there is no air left inside, or the ravioli will burst when coooked. 
  • Crimp the ends of the dough (fold over a small piece and press down, fold over the dough next to it and press down, continuing until each is sealed). 
  • Boil the ravioli in a large pan of salted water for about 10 minutes. Remove carefully using a slotted spoon.
  • For the garnish, heat the butter in a frying pan and gently cook the ravioli. Finish with a shaving of white truffles and serve on the creamed salad.

For the creamed salad

2 head lettuce, leaves separated
20 g olive oil
40 g white balsamic vinegar
salt, pepper, sugar

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