Pirogue boat on the beach on Nosy Be, Madagascar

Pirogue boat on the beach on Nosy Be, Madagascar

Best time to travel: the countries to visit in August

Travel Essentials

In part two of our series, we now look at some of the places to consider heading to during August.

August is a tricky month for holidays. In the UK, being the first clear month of the school summer break, it is the busiest time of the year. This means that not only are there are vastly increased numbers of fellow travellers, but prices are also at a premium. Rather ironically, despite premium prices, depending upon your destination, sadly, you will also often see service levels dramatically reduce, and one of your guaranteed finds will be the ubiquitous queue required for everything.

For travellers by air from the UK, one necessary weapon in your luggage arsenal needs to be the “Aviation Passenger Charter”. This will ensure flight administration staff realise you are aware of the obligations, due both to and by you as an airline passenger, in the event of any problems arising. You can familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations here, however, there’s no harm in having one with you irrespective of the time of year you intend to travel!

And to save you time, pay little attention to voucher companies or budget airlines offering the likes of “from only £89” offers to tempt you to visit their websites. You won’t find any offers for August, especially for relatively short-haul trips to the sun. Your best bet is to visit your local travel agent. And if you don’t have an up-to-date passport and are thinking of booking what you hope might be a last-minute deal nearer the time of departure, do not risk booking for a peak-time holiday! Even if you do find that extremely rare peak-time holiday bargain, it is not much use without your passport!

Let’s review some locations

As mentioned, some short/medium-haul European sun destinations can be very busy, especially to the popular destinations such as the Spanish Costas and Mediterranean Islands. However, that is not to say you won’t be able to find an enjoyable destination. It is all down to whether you want a family beach holiday or a cultural experience for adults only.

Iceland – not often on the radar as a summer destination as the country is often associated with glaciers and the Northern Lights, however, August is the time of year offering the greatest access to the island’s incredible interior. You will need to rent a sturdy 4x4, fill it with supplies (seeing as there are not many corners to accommodate 24/7 convenience stores in the magnificent Icelandic interior!) and ensure you book the ‘Huts’ that are available for accommodation well in advance. Nature, wildlife and adventure are the key words.

Uxatindar in the Southern Highlands of Iceland in August.
Uxatindar in the Southern Highlands of Iceland in August.

Bulgaria – the capital Sofia offers a European ‘East-meets-West’ (Greek-Turkish-Balkan influences) atmosphere. Still, as yet, good value for money on the food (the fare on offer is delicious – you must try the local banista cheese pasties) and accommodation front, August is the month when the city is fully alive and kicking. It’s delightfully cultural, with plenty so see and do, and outdoor pursuits are but a relatively short distance from the city. A word of warning – ensure any taxis used are official and metered.

France – the Champagne district in particular is great to visit during August as it has a holiday buzz that is actually quite delightful. Naturally enough, you will want to visit some of the great Champagne houses, cellars and caves, but do book well in advance to avoid disappointment. Naturally enough, a camera is required as you go architecture and magnificent scenery-hunting! You can even explore the region by bicycle.

Village of Villers-Marmery in the Champagne district, France.
Village of Villers-Marmery in the Champagne district, France.

Italy – as a rule, Italy tends to be very busy in August. Italians themselves desert their homes in droves and head off to the four corners of the country on holiday. However, Umbria, with its incredible food, rolling country vistas, Roman remains and artefacts, and incredible medieval towns sees far fewer visitors, although Assisi, Orvieto and Spoleto can be busy. Rural, self-catering accommodation (many featuring swimming pools) are perfect.

Australia – if you’d like to disappear off the grid, then Kimberley in the Australian outback is for you. Trekking, bush-walking, camping and just lazing around is the order of the day. The incredible waterfalls of the Mitchell Plateau, the Pernululu National Park, Kununura and Lake Argyle (you will need a 4x4) are not to be missed. Just watch out for crocodiles along the waterways! The region is dry, cool and can be overall navigable (difficult in the Jan-Feb wet season).

Ecuador – rainforests, volcanoes and local markets, one after the other. Ecuador has everything you could want in culture, nature, wildlife and adventure, all supported by value for money. Cuenca and Quito (the capital city) with its colonial influences; Ingapirca with its Inca heritage; market shopping in Otavalo, Saquisili and Zumbahua, the Galápagos; the cloud forests; the Amazon. It’s all just magical. And accommodation is relatively inexpensive.

Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador.
Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador.

Madagascar – this extremely large island is often overlooked because it is cool and dry for one half of the year, and wet the remaining half. It is famed for wildlife, so a phone camera might not be the best for recording your memories. Expect to see lemurs, chameleons, fossas (cat-like), birds of every description, and even whales off the coast (August is the prime time for whale watching). There are many national parks and some wonderful beaches, but you must spend some time in Tana, the capital. Despite being as large as France, the Madagascan roads aren’t wonderful, so plan well in advance.

Other destinations to consider

Argentina (Buenos Aires); Australia (Snowy Mountains); Brazil (north east); Canada (Nova Scotia); Chile (Ski Fields); Cook Islands; Germany (Berlin); Kenya (Masai Mara); Malawi; New Zealand (Mount Ruapehu); Papua New Guinea; Spain (Pyrenees); Sri Lanka (north east); Sweden (Stockholm); Thailand (Ko Samui); Tonga; Turkey (Turquoise Coast); UK (the canals); USA (California Zephyr or Chesapeake Bay); Venezuela (Angel Falls); Wales (Pembrokeshire); Zambia

Edward Moss
Edward Moss
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