"Dogs allowed" Restaurants in Kanton Aargau

27 restaurants offering "Dogs allowed" in Kanton Aargau that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Fine Dining hautnah<br> <strong>«Skin’s – the Restaurant» – kulinarische Extraklasse in Lenzburg</strong><br> <br> «Skin’s – the Restaurant» ist einzigartig. Das schon optisch beeindruckende Restaurant am Dammweg 15b setzt auf Fine Dining Küche auf höchstem Niveau.<br> <br> «Unsere Gäste erwarten überraschende Kreationen nach dem Motto Tradition neu interpretiert mit Einflüssen aus aller Welt», erklärt Head Chef Kevin Romes. Er blickt auf 10 Jahre in der Sterneküche, darunter im Val d’Or in Stromburg (D) bei Johann Lafer, im Restaurant Einstein Gourmet in St. Gallen und Schloss Elmau in Krün (D). «Ich freue mich riesig, dass wir im Skin’s unsere eigenen Ideen und unseren Stil umsetzen können und unsere Gäste immer wieder neu überraschen dürfen. Für mich zählt der Geschmack: Ich bin ein Fan von reduzierter Küche, die durch filigranes Handwerk überzeugt.» Sous Chef Pascal Hobler blickt als prägendste Stationen auf die mit je zwei Guide Michelin-Sternen ausgezeichneten Restaurants Ophelia in Konstanz sowie ebenfalls auf das Einstein Gourmet in St. Gallen zurück. Auch er verfolgt eine klare Restaurant-Philosophie: «Wir legen hohen Wert auf Handwerk, Präzision und Geschmackstiefe.»<br> <br> Das Dinner im «Skin’s» ist ein Erlebnis: Nicht nur die ausgefeilten, kreativen Menus begeistern, sondern auch die Zubereitung. Das Restaurant besticht durch eine offene Küche. Den Köchen ist es ein grosses Anliegen, ihr Handwerk nahbar zu machen. So kommt es nicht selten vor, dass sie einen Gang direkt am Tisch finalisieren und Wissenswertes zu den gewählten Zutaten, den frischen regionalen Produkten und zur Zubereitungsart mitgeben.<br> In der Pâtisserie hat das Skin’s prominente Unterstützung. Chef-Pâtissier Christian Hümbs ist vielen bekannt als langjähriger Juror der TV-Show «Das grosse Backen» und war schon in zahlreichen namhaften Restaurants tätig, darunter bei Johan Lafer, Hotel Louis C. Jacob in Hamburg, Ritz-Carlton in Wolfsburg, im «La Mer» auf Sylt und seit 2019 im Dolder Grand. Das Skin’s Küchenteam trifft und berät er in regelmässigen Abständen als kulinarischer Berater der Pâtisserie.<br> Lassen Sie sich verwöhnen und geniessen einen schönen Abend im Skin's - the restaurant.<br> <br> Skin’s – The Restaurant<br> Dammweg 15b<br> 5600 Lenzburg<br> Telefon: +41 (0)62 511 60 05<br> Mail: [email protected]<br> Web: <a href="https://skins-restaurant.ch/">skins-restaurant.ch</a><br> Instagram: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/skins_the_restaurant/">skins_the_restaurant</a><br> <br> <strong>Christian Hümbs neu als kulinarischer Berater im Skin’s-Team</strong><br> In der Pâtisserie hat das Skin’s prominente Unterstützung. Chef-Pâtissier Christian Hümbs ist vielen Bekannt als langjähriger Juror der TV-Show «Das grosse Backen» und war schon in zahlreichen namhaften Restaurants tätig, darunter bei Johan Lafer, Hotel Louis C. Jacob in Hamburg, Ritz-Carlton in Wolfsburg, im «La Mer» auf Sylt und seit 2019 im Dolder Grand. Das Skin’s Küchenteam trifft und berät er in regelmässigen Abständen als kulinarischer Berater der Pâtisserie.

Dammweg 15B, 5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The Hirschen's cuisine is characterised by a strong seasonal focus. The varied offer ranges from exquisite fine-dining creations to well-known and popular dishes to simple but refined "Speuzerli" - the Erlinsbach tapas.

Hauptstrasse 125, 5015 Untererlinsbach, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

At Bänziger, guests are invited on a pleasure trip that stimulates several senses at once: art on the walls and market-fresh, refined compositions on the plate as well as exquisite wines in the glass. The whole thing is rounded off with top service.

Seetalstrasse 43, 5703 Seon, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The Fahr restaurant is visually a feast for the eyes and has some exciting architectural elements. The excellent gourmet cuisine is committed to regionality and at the same time globally inspired. A vegetarian menu is also offered in the evenings.

Grossacherweg 1, 5444 Künten, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The panorama restaurant is located on the Hertenstein rock and offers epicures from near and far, a far-sighted experience with a beautiful terrace. The gastronomic cornerstones are a seasonal-regional creative cuisine and a 300-item wine list.

Hertensteinstrasse 80, 5408 Ennetbaden, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

All kinds of delicacies from lakes, rivers and seas, that's what Rudolf Zünd has specialised in after his years of traveling as a ship's cook. But the charming restaurant also offers beautiful meat dishes from French and local cuisine as well as vegetarian menus.

Vordere Hauptgasse 57, 4800 Zofingen, Switzerland
Luxury / High End

The asparagus season is especially celebrated with dishes such as an asparagus pannacotta or ravioli of asparagus ragout. And in other ways, too, the restaurant emphasises natural, seasonal cuisine with ingredients from the region. The wine cellar is also nicely stocked.

Hauptstrasse 3, 5505 Brunegg, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Whether it's an octopus salad with confit lemons or Viennese schnitzel made from veal shanks from their own breading, the menu here features a variety of dishes from Europe's cuisines. In order to always offer Isebähnli guests something new, daily recommendations from the chef complement the menu.

Bahnhofstrasse 10, 5400 Baden, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

In the evening, a coherent gourmet menu is offered, which can include up to eight courses. Inspired by specialties from around the world and combined with products from the region, an exciting gastronomic journey is created. Seasonal classics round off the offer.

Dorfstrasse 22, 5420 Ehrendingen, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The Pinte serves classic-traditional cuisine, which is refreshed with modern elements. The original spelt bread is homemade and also the beautiful village pub does not get involved in any experiments and processes only high-quality ingredients.

Sommerhaldenstrasse 20, 5405 Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The beautiful garden with pond as well as inside the country inn offer its guests a variety of spaces to enjoy and linger. On the menu is a multi-course ox menu and all kinds of dishes with regional to international character.

Dorfplatz 56, 5063 Wölflinswil, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

For five generations, the Linde has been a family business that remains true to its gastronomic roots and focuses on traditional Swiss cuisine, but always reinterprets it with seasonal and smart ideas. The food is served in a very cozy ambience.

Niederrohrdorferstrasse 1, 5442 Fislisbach, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Anyone stopping off at the Schachen in Aarau can immerse themselves in a multifaceted experience of pleasure. From French bistro classics like moules frites in the brasserie to the noble Chateaubriand "Mürset" in the gourmet restaurant - not to forget the time-honoured wine tavern.

Schachen 18, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The terrace directly on the lake exudes Mediterranean flair. In addition, there is Swiss-French cuisine, interpreted in a contemporary, smart and creative way. Particularly popular is the Chateaubriand "Seerose", a noble classic that complements the beautiful fish offer.

Seerosenstrasse 1, 5616 Meisterschwanden, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

A seasonal menu complements the menu, which offers classic, tried-and-true, contemporary, and, above all, market-fresh dishes. Wines from the surrounding area are celebrated at Sternen, as is conviviality, whether in the Wy-Gärtli, in the Sternen-Bar or in the Gaststube.

Endingerstrasse 7, 5303 Würenlingen, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

"Small and fine" - this aptly describes the menu of the Adler Inn. At lunchtime there is a daily changing offer, in the evening you can choose from the attractive varied menu. The dishes are always inspired by seasonal ingredients.

Stadtstrasse 22, 6204 Sempach, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Popular Schützen classics such as succulent veal meatloaf with morel cream sauce or "city fillet" of Angus beef are complemented by racy - also vegetarian - curries and local fish dishes, plus seasonal hits such as venison dishes in autumn.

Schachenallee 39, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland

The meat comes from the village butcher Lüthi and the pizzas are available in a gluten-free version. In addition, selected Italian specialities that you don't find everywhere, such as Sardinian dumplings filled with potatoes, pecorino cheese and mint.

Hauptstrasse 46, 5212 Hausen, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

If you not only want to enjoy the view of the Wynental, but also quench your hunger and thirst, you're in the right place at Waldegg: a nice selection of Swiss classics, complemented with Thai specialties, makes for a diverse and smart menu.

Waldeggstrasse 1, 5737 Menziken, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

The former Waldschenke in Aarau's Wildpark is a true natural idyll and offers plenty of turnaround. In the Roggenhausen restaurant, emphasis is placed on a varied menu that incorporates seasonal produce and is mindful of food.

Roggenhausenweg 1455, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland