Vinarija Chichateau

Falstaff Online Österreich 2023 - Weingüter - Osteuropa

There are now also garage or boutique wineries in Serbia, which produce high-quality wines in very small and strictly limited editions. One of these mini wineries is Chichateau. It was founded by Djordje Stojanovic, who previously worked as a management consultant in the USA for 10 years. But once you have been infected by the wine virus, you dream of owning your own winery, which Djordje Stojanovic fulfilled in the Frusca Gora region in the southern foothills of the Frusca Gora mountains. His vineyard covers just 3 hectares, situated 260 meters above sea level and planted with the international grape varieties Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Almost 18,000 bottles are produced here every year, which is still a lot considering the high demand for its wines. The term "garage winery" can be taken literally here, because - as he says himself - there is no Mercedes in his garage, but rather all the equipment necessary for the production of top wines, from the press and fermentation vats to the barrique barrels in which the wines are allowed to rest and mature. Different wines leave the winery, the ChiChardonnay, which matured in Slavonian oak, the Fabula Mala Bela Chardonnay, which is already being compared to great white Burgundies, and a Sauvignon Blanc determine the white wine production. A red wine is produced, the Fabula Mala Crvena, a blend of Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. The rosé "Pink Punk", a blend of Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, is very difficult to obtain, as it is extremely popular, especially in Serbia. It is no coincidence that the red wine varieties known from Bordeaux dominate here; Djordje Stojanovic is a big fan of the great Bordeaux wines. At the same time, his winery is also a founding member of "SREM", a controlled geographical provenance for the Frusca Gora region. Originally launched by 14 wineries in 2015, the number of members has since grown to 38. ChiChateau impressively demonstrates the outstanding wines that Serbia can produce, although with this limited production you will really have to search for the bottles.
