Cims de Porrera

Falstaff Online Österreich 2023

Cims de Porrera, this project by the well-known university professor and oenologist José Luis Pérez, was already making a name for itself before the first bottle of wine was even bottled. The Priorat region, which is so much admired today with its legendary wines, was a rather deserted wasteland until the mid-90s of the last century. Many people, especially young people, had fled to the big cities; only the "Scala Dei" cooperative still heralded better times in the wine-growing history of this region. Resisting this rural exodus and reviving one of the best wine-growing regions was the aim of some producers, perhaps the best known of them all - Alvaro Palacios with his "L'Ermita", which has long since achieved cult status. The gifted oenologist José Luis Pérez was also involved in the reconstruction of the region and the rescue of very old, historic vineyards and founded his Cims de Porrera winery in what is probably the most secluded corner of the Priorat. This was spectacular enough to be talked about in expert circles both inside and outside Spain, even before the first harvest had been processed. Above all, Pérez wanted to encourage the remaining winegrowers to treat these old parcels, a unique treasure in the winegrowing landscape of the Iberian Peninsula, with great care and to cultivate them with deep respect for nature. Because they have it all! The Carinano and Garnacha vines are around 100 years old and produce a fantastic must when treated correctly, but only in homeopathic quantities. Just 5 hectolitres per hectare can be harvested, which is something of a world record in terms of minimalist harvesting. In other words, each vine yields around 200 grams of grapes. Since the end of the last century, the wines from Cims de Porrera have been delighting experts and connoisseurs alike with their expressive and unique characteristics. Wines such as the "Classic" or the "Vi de Vila" have had a significant influence on the wonders of Priorat and have long since become classics of the region. They enjoy cult status among Priorat fans.
