"Outdoor Dining Area" Restaurants in Bremen

12 restaurants offering "Outdoor Dining Area" in Bremen that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Ethnic Cuisine

Stefan Ladenberger's elegantly small restaurant has just 34 seats. The experimental kitchen team cooks consistently fresh dishes that are a feast for the eyes. The wine selection is second to none.

Besselstraße 40, 28203 Bremen, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

North German classics such as Labskaus (corned beef hash) and Knipp (a traditional sausage) make their grand entrance in the rustic ambience of the imposing vaults under the World Heritage town hall. A hit: themed dinners such as ABBA or cabbage parties.

Am Markt, 28195 Bremen, Germany

A piece of northern Italy in the hands of brothers in the middle of Bremen. The pasta is homemade and comes in rustic Bolognese or elegant with truffles and scallops. The highlight is the corn-fed chicken suprême.

Am Markt 13, 28195 Bremen, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

The Ferrulli family prepares refined, authentic Italian cuisine. The "Pappagallo Pasta" by chef Erina Ferrulli is praised and beloved. The ambience is elegant, especially the light-flooded conservatory.

Außer der Schleifmühle 73, 28203 Bremen, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

A real place of pilgrimage for fans of the finest fish delicacies, which are enjoyed in style in the yacht interior of Hollywood star Errol Flynn. A special pleasure trip: the Scandinavian adventure.

Am Fischbahnhof 1, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany
Luxury / High End

Auf dem Hohen Ufer 35, 28756 Bremen, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Franconian born Steffen Heumann cooks Nordic cuisine with contemporary sophistication. Matjes tartare, lobster bisque and Elmloher Duroc pork taste great with a view of the marina and quay. Delicious: homemade ice cream.

Barkhausenstraße 6, 27568 Bremerhaven, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Schnoor 13, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Stephanitorsbollwerk 1, 28217 Bremen, Germany

Am Vegesacker Hafen 14, 28757 Bremen, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Wachmannstraße 42A, 28209 Bremen, Germany

In der Vahr 64, 28329 Bremen, Germany