"e-readiness powered by ŠKODA iV" Restaurants in Lech

12 restaurants offering "e-readiness powered by ŠKODA iV" in Lech that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Luxury / High End

An international audience, top local ingredients, some of which come from the restaurant's own food lab: exceptional chef Julian Stieger takes Zug's alpine gourmet show to the next level with around 20 courses.

Zug 5, 6764 Lech, Austria
Luxury / High End

Crustaceans, fish, vegetables or sourdough that has been cultivated for years: chef Sebastian Jakob's Alpine-Asian cuisine is a breath of fresh air in the most highly decorated room of the luxury hotel.

Oberlech 568, 6764 Lech, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine Luxury / High End

Although the Wunderkammer no longer offers fine dining, the cuisine is great and the wine list exceptional. Probably one of the most beautiful and stylish venues on the Arlberg.

Tannberg 59, 6764 Lech, Austria
Luxury / High End

The menu is small, but all the dishes are of perfect quality. Under the direction of Hermann Lankmaier, the hotel has the best wine cellar in the entire region. The highlight of the hotel is the sun terrace.

Oberlech 266, 6764 Lech, Austria
Luxury / High End

You can't get more private and luxurious than this boutique hotel. The atmosphere in the hotel's own restaurant is also wonderful. Top: Markus Winkler's fine drinks accompaniment!

Tannberg 130, 6764 Lech, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Haute cuisine meets down-to-earth: Dominic Baumann skillfully combines both lines in the restaurant of the noble resort - accompanied by the Lucian family's wine treasures (over 4000 items). Wonderful!

Oberlech 568, 6764 Lech, Austria
Luxury / High End

Lobster tagliolini, game ragout, crayfish bouillabaisse or classic baked Wiener schnitzel are served to perfection in the dignified parlour. There are also contemporary daily specials.

Dorf 11, 6764 Lech, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

What began over 60 years ago on the Arlberg thanks to the pioneer Joschi Walch senior is now celebrated in top form: Fondue. In addition to the five variations (seafood fondue), there are also home-style classics.

Zug 5, 6764 Lech, Austria
Luxury / High End

Mediterranean delights at this luxury ski resort: Patrick Tober’s delicacies are also available as part of the "Chef's Choice" menu (advance booking required!), accompanied by a picture-perfect cocktail and wine pairing.

Tannberg 187, 6764 Lech, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Nomen est omen: Austrian cuisine classics are served in the Wirtshaus. Head chef Sebastian Jakob is only satisfied when his guests smile pensively after their meal. And they do ...

Oberlech 568, 6764 Lech, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Tannberg 187, 6764 Lech, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

<p>Unkompliziert ist die Devise beim Genie&szlig;en &ndash; f&uuml;r eine Erholung gleich neben der Piste am Mittag, eine kleine St&auml;rkung zum Apr&egrave;s-Ski oder ein gem&uuml;tliches Abendessen mit knisterndem Kamin. Die K&uuml;che bietet knusprige Pizza aus dem originalen Holzofen &ndash; einzigartig in Lech &amp; Z&uuml;rs. Kindermen&uuml;s sowie Klassiker aus der &ouml;sterreichischen K&uuml;che und am Abend noch ein paar Drinks an der Bar: So sch&ouml;n kann Urlaub sein.</p>

Tannberg 629, 6764 Lech, Austria