"Waterside" Restaurants in Upper Austria

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54 restaurants offering "Waterside" in Upper Austria that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Contemporary Cuisine

There is hardly any other chef who has managed to leave such an exquisite mark on fish cuisine and represent the gastronomic Salzkammergut internationally. Lukas Nagl is one of the best!

Klosterplatz 4, 4801 Traunkirchen, Austria
Luxury / High End

You could pull out one pleasure arrow after another from the quiver of superlatives and always hit the mark. Because what Philip Rachinger achieves here can only be described with superlatives: Ois.

Unternberg 6, 4120 Neufelden, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

A popular address on Lake Attersee with a cosy garden and traditional cuisine. The Wiener Schnitzel is one of the best, and fresh fish from the lake is always on the menu. Top wine list.

Am Anger 1, 4865 Nußdorf, Austria
Luxury / High End

The gastronomic flagship of Spa Resort Geinberg; a very nice place to sit by the water lily pond. The kitchen knows how to refine special cuts or dry-aged beef. Extensive wine list.

Thermenstraße 13, 4943 Geinberg, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine Contemporary Cuisine

Important when staying here: breathe in, breathe out. The robust home can quickly take your breath away. But the potato dumplings with truffles will take your breath away - pure aroma!

Au 18, 5360 St. Wolfgang, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The Ledererhaus opens your eyes to what is possible in the Salzkammergut and how the path from tradition to modernity can be successful. The XO beef tartare is pleasantly truffled. It is served with naan bread.

Markt 17, 5360 St. Wolfgang, Austria
Ethnic Cuisine

It's worth asking for the catch of the day from the sea. But the menu also offers everything else imaginable in terms of fish and seafood. Very good wine list and cigar specialties.

Hofberg 8, 4020 Linz, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Whoever says Afiesl must also say Bergergut, bread and specialty. The gastronomic idyll that Eva-Maria Pürmayer and Thomas Hofer have created here is astonishing. High gastronomic art, good beers.

Oberafiesl 7, 4170 Afiesl, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

If the day starts with six courses for breakfast, continues with a glass of wine in the afternoon and finishes with Asian-inspired dishes in the evening, then you've done everything right.

Markt 15, 5360 St. Wolfgang, Austria

Cool music, a view of the lake, a relaxed crowd and young service staff - always with a pleasant smile on their lips - add a touch of well-being to your stay. Great wine list, trendy dishes.

Am Anger 1, 4865 Nußdorf, Austria

Who needs a supermarket when you have top-class farmers in the area who supply the best ingredients? Christoph Forthuber has this luxury. But he also knows how to use it. High quality gastronomic art.

Munderfing 52, 5222 Munderfing, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The well-tended garden has something robust about it and sets the mood for delicacies. Homemade tagliolini delight with fresh mushrooms and creamy burrata combined with artichokes.

Auhof 1, 5311 Loibichl, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The conversion of the hotel with extension will be an architectural masterpiece. The cuisine has been one of the highlights of the Salzkammergut for years anyway. Cuisine that reflects the terroir with ideas that are often imitated.

Ortsplatz 5, 4801 Traunkirchen, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Lake Traunsee is just a stone's throw away. The kitchen team uses regional fish, donates 50 cents for every char sold and delights gourmets with prawns and truffled risotto.

Schiffslände 3, 4810 Gmunden, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

If you are looking for a place to feel good, Knapp am Eck is the place for you. Dishes that caress the soul are served with passion. Blunzengröstl, fried chicken or carp.

Wehrgrabengasse 15, 4400 Steyr, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Langostinos gives the impression that everything here revolves around crustaceans. But Christian Rutschetschin has more to offer. He refines Attersee fish just as skilfully as game and lamb from the region.

Bahnhofstraße 4, 4861 Schörfling, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Hannes Mathis processes meat from the family butcher's shop into exquisite dishes (Asian pork belly) and also adds a gourmet touch to cheese crackers. This is complemented by the expertise of wine expert Mathias Riepl.

Gaisbacher Straße 8, 4210 Gallneukirchen, Austria

You'd almost think that dishes like Leberbunkel had died out on pub menus. Almost! At the Wassertor, the restaurant is committed to tradition, craftsmanship and the region. And makes room for modernity.

Burggraben 4, 4780 Schärding, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

It can happen that you meet a professional footballer at the Steegwirt, because the brothers Fritz and Tamino Grampelhuber form the ÖFB's gastronomic dream team. An offensive spectacle awaits guests in Bad Goisern.

Au 12, 4822 Bad Goisern, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The regulars are very excited when game is on offer. Out of season, juicy steaks, but also many Italian classics such as risotto, ravioli or - more exclusively - grilled prawns are tempting.

Stadlkirchen 6, 4407 Dietach, Austria